Write For Us

Join the Conversation: Write for Review Tales and Share Your Artistic Insights

“Art is the most beautiful of all conversations, and your voice deserves to be heard.”

“Write for us ” & Publish on Review Tales

Are you passionate about movies, books, or music? Do you have a unique take on the art of storytelling? At Review Tales, we’re always searching for new voices to add to our vast team of writers. If you love the arts and have a way with words, we’d like to hear from you.

What Should Articles Include?

1.) Unique, Informative Content

Content is king when you write for Review Tales. We are committed to illuminating our erudite audience with new insights and valuable resources. We go after those articles that sound a new note, make some real difference, or forge an outstanding resource. All submissions should be 100% original and solely penned for us—no copied or plagiarized content, please. You may mention your company, product, or service in small regard, but more will be considered a sponsored post. Incorporate backlinks naturally, if possible.

2.) Readability

Your blog should be engaging and a pleasure to read. Depending on the content, and for whom you are writing, use simple or advanced vocabulary as appropriate. Avoid passive voice and convoluted language. Short, strong sentences, in addition to proper grammar, can generate a smooth reading experience. We support utilizing tools such as Grammarly and Hemingway for perfectly tuning your text for improved readability.

3.) Attention-grabbing Title

A killer headline will engage your readers from the start. When submitting your post, please offer a few title ideas.

4.) Relevant to Our Readers

The content of your post should be an engagement to an audience consisting of cinephiles, readers, and music lovers. This may comprise film, book, and music album reviews, opinion pieces, and listicles. We also do broader features that show a deeper connection to the mediums of film, literature, and music. Try and bring new insights that are going to leave our readers with something stimulating.

How To Submit An Article

  • Select 3-5 Unique Headlines: Based on our existing content, review and pitch 3-5 unique headlines. We will check for originality.
  • Outline Draft: Once we have selected the headline you will create an outline of the main talking points and submit to us.
  • First Draft: Write up the article with all proper citations and 2-3 internal links. We require the article to be at minimum 750 words and formatted with H2 subheadings. All drafts are submitted in .docx format.
  • Revisions: Please allow two days for review. We sometimes request minor revisions. Otherwise, we may decline to accept the writing if it fails to align with our requirements or guidelines. On acceptance, we publish the same.
  • Publication: It may be some weeks before we can publish your post. Once this happens, we will email you with the link. No changes will be approved once it has gone live. Image choice will be decided by us but please feel free to suggest images from reputable sources.

Guidelines for Submission of Articles:

  • Submissions must be accompanied by 3-5 attention-grabbing headline ideas with your pitch.
  • Write with H1, H2, H3,H4 headers in your document to help you keep yourself organized.
  • 750 – 1,250 words of attention-grabbing, easy-to-read content
  • 2-3 internal links
  • Links to sources should be embedded into the post.
  • Only ONE backlink to your website or blog, please.
  • Tell us a little about you – author summary and headshot, if so inclined.
  • Use the Email below to send in your proposal. 

Please email us at contactreviewtales@gmail.com with your proposal, and remember to include 3-5 headline ideas. We look forward to your contribution!