Travis Bickle: The Anti-Hero We Fear Becoming

Taxi Driver is technically not a film it is a character study of a guy named Travis Bickle who would not take it anymore. Being a war veteran and away from society for a while and coming back to society and couldn’t cope with the shit that’s going through on a daily basis he tries to ignore it for a while but to an extent then he loses his shit and takes the matter to his own hands. We all have a Travis in us but we’re taming our inner demon we are accustomed to societal norms that are alien to a guy like Travis. Excluding the ideology even the way Travis lives or behaves has caught the attention of the viewer and sadly I guess I’m not sure anymore we’re living in a society where people root for a grey guy like Travis. 

Blurring the Line Between Good and Evil

Travis Bickle blurred the line between hero and villain and made a new character called Anti-Hero that paved the way for other filmmakers to explore a whole new genre. Scorsese did a great job in depicting Loneliness which many people go through on a daily basis ( these Literally Me guys ). You can clearly see a graph in Travis from being an Alien to society and trying to adapt but couldn’t in the end he gives up. Travis was never a perfect guy here comes the beauty of Scorsese, the guy shows the worst possible toxic masculine guys in the most perfect possible ways as a mirror to the audience to get a reality check on their own character. 

A Reflection of Our Inner Demons

You just can’t understand why this film is special in one watch or even many until you internally feel what Travis as a person is: is he good or bad? What made him like that? Question yourself is Solitude good or bad what happens when a man who has been through a war is left alone in a society that’s alien to him? What happens when you leave that man with no one to talk to but himself? I love how two women control the whole film about a lonely man. Travis is a version of us that we never want to become.

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