35-Chinna Katha Kaadu is a gem of a film that will go out of your radar so here’s me doing my duty to let everyone know that a Telugu film called 35-Chinna Katha Kaadu just released and you just can’t afford to miss it in theatres at any cost if it’s not available near you wait for ott it’ll stream on Aha soon. Last year we had a gem called “Aachar & Co.” that also went unnoticed so plugging it here for more people to watch.
Now why is 35 special, 35 is special because we don’t get kid films anymore back when we were kids we used to get films like Taare Zameen Par, Bhootnaath, Chain Kuli ki Main Kuli, Chillar Party, Golkonda High School and likes but now people just don’t make them anymore and producers think they’re not bankable in this 3 second attention span era well a part of them are right but if everyone thought that way then we wouldn’t get a film like 35.
35 is a simple story of a boy who’s not great at math because he has odd doubts about the fundamentals of the subject which nobody cares to give a thought to and the consequences he has to face.
Although Arun is the main character, Nivetha as Saraswati overshines everyone. 5 years earlier Nivetha convinced us as a Highschool girl and now 5 years later she convinced us that she’s a mother of 2 kids. Nivetha was brilliant as Saraswati she’ll make you laugh cry and cheer for her throughout. Nivetha got her career best role and she gave her career best performance hope she brings more gems like this.

Priyadarshi as Chanakya proves again that he’s more of an actor than a generic comedian give him layered flawed characters he’ll give you more than you can ever expect. Vishwa is a talent I never saw this keenly before he nailed Prasad with a hammer. The chemistry between Saraswati and Prasad was on point neither a meter higher nor a meter lower perfect for a middle-class couple who just want the best for their kids. Talking about kids ever since kids in the film were adorably great again perfect casting as each kid character it was fun watching them on screen.
35 took me on a nostalgic ride those lunches with friends, that pen fight in the breaks, the tests, the marks, MATH everything. Being a film about kids it also teaches life lessons in the simplest way I have heard about this analogy recently in some film or show but I forgot where the same analogy had been used here if you give up when you lose your queen then your pawn would’ve never become queen and let you win a match, when someone leaves you don’t give up you wait for the right person who’s going to make your life happier than ever. 35 never had a proper screenplay or a narrative it was all over the place maybe that is the right approach for a film like this because the life of a kid and especially the brain thinks like that. There is no wrong or right approach to any film that makes you feel emotions, which is what I firmly believe in.

I feel there’s a thin line between a good film and a great film this line can go as long as it can separate a bad film and a masterpiece, that line is called Intent. The Filmmaker and the crew must have that intent and passion towards the film they’re making even if they’re 19/20 they should try taking care of the ant-size details that could be the icing on your cake. I saw that icing in 35, the Tirupati Tirumala was depicted in the most realistic way possible. The accent, the people, the vibe that place carries, the middle-class family depiction. When you put your heart out then only you could get a film like this.
Will never lose my love for Vivek Sagar, Vivek Sagar is a master in composing songs that go with the story without breaking the flow each and every Vivek Album is a gem, and post-film hangover of 35 will get a Top 5 or Top 3 album gem.
Consider this review as a Thank You letter to Nanda Kishore, Vivek Sagar, Suresh Babu, Rana, Srujan, Siddharth, Niketh and everyone who shed their sweat on and off the screen in making this gem for Telugu Cinema manifesting all good things and Great Films from this crew and make Telugu Cinema better make Cinema better.

Chaitanya Tuteja is someone who enjoys sharing his thoughts on books, movies, and shows. Based in India, he appreciates exploring different stories and offering honest reflections. When not reflecting on his favorite media, Chaitanya enjoys discovering new ideas and embracing life’s simple moments.